
eSheBee Web Development 6 Months MERN Stack Course

Original price was: 22,000৳ .Current price is: 19,800৳ .

HTML, CSS, Tailwind CSS, REACT JS, NEXT JS, NODE JS, Express JS, GitHub, MONGO DB, PostMan, NPM, REST API, eCommerce Payment, GitHub to Netlify, Project live Domani, Hosting, DNS Backup and Restore, Website 15+ Project by HTML CSS and WP CMS Make a strong Portfolio in Marketplace, GitHub and LinkedIn for Job search


What is MERN Stack?

MERN Stack is a combination of MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, and NodeJS, all of which are based on JavaScript. Since these technologies facilitate the development of dynamic, responsive, and appealing websites and web apps, companies all over India and globally need MERN Stack developers.

Why your Start our eSheBee Web Development 6 Months MERN Stack Course?

Enroll in the best Web Development 6 Months MERN Stack Course to become a master at it and explore high-paying job opportunities. It includes hands-on 15+ projects, pro certification, job assistance, regular training, and much more.

eSheBee Web Development 6 Months MERN Stack Course Module:

Module 01: HTML
  • HTML Editors
  • HTML Basics
  • HTML Elements
  • HTML Images
  • HTML Links
  • HTML Lists
  • HTML Attributes
  • HTML Headings
  • HTML Paragraphs
  • HTML Styles
  • HTML Formatting
  • HTML Comments
  • HTML Blocks
  • HTML Classes
Module 02: CSS
  • Introduction to Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)
  • CSS Syntax and Selectors
  • CSS Colors
  • CSS Backgrounds
  • CSS Borders
  • Setting height and width
  • Background Color
  • Background Image
  • Background Repeat
  • Border
  • Types of Border in CSS
  • Border Style
  • Border Radius
  • Text Indentation
  • Text Transformation
  • Letter Spacing
  • Line Height
  • Font Families
  • Font Color
  • Font Style
  • Font Style
  • Margin And Padding
  • Text Alignment
  • Text Decoration
  • Word Spacing
  • Text Shadow
  • Position
  • Introduction to CSS3
  • CSS Rounded Corners
  • CSS Border Images
  • CSS Multiple Backgrounds
  • RGBA Colors
  • CSS Gradients
  • CSS Shadow Effects
  • CSS Text Effects
  • CSS 2D Transforms
  • CSS 3D Transforms
  • CSS Transitions
  • CSS Animations
  • CSS Styling Images
  • CSS Buttons
  • CSS Multiple Columns
  • Resize
  • CSS Box Sizing
  • Details Tag
  • Dialog Tag
Module 03: GitHube and Netlify
  • Create Github Account
  • Connect GitHbe with VS Code
  • Post repository
  • Download and Edit repository
  • Live website in GitHub and Netlfy
Module 4: JavaScript
  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Basics of JavaScript
  • JS Comment
  • JS Variable
  • JS Global Variable
  • JS Data Types
  • JS Operators
  • JS If Statement
  • JS Switch
  • JS slider
  • JS Loop
  • JavaScript DOM
  • JS Events
  • onclick
  • onmouseover
  • onmouseout
  • onkeydown
  • onload
  • JS validation
  • JS window.print()
Module 05: Tailwind CSS
  • Getting Started with Tailwind CSS
  • Core Concepts
  • Customization
  • Base Styles
  • Layout
  • Flexbox & Grid
  • Spacing
  • Sizing
  • Typography
  • Backgrounds
  • Borders
  • Effects
  • Filters
  • Transitions & Animation
  • Transforms
  • Two projects using Tailwind CSS
Module 06: React JS
  • Introduction to ReactJS
  • Getting Started with ReactJS
  • Working on Basics with ReactJS
  • Creating React Template
  • Understanding ReactJS States
  • Building a Tic Tac Toe App
  • Learning React Context API With Projects
  • Building App with Context API Using Reducers and Actions
  • Local Storage and Effect Hooks
  • Learning to Handle APIs
  • Designing a Shopping Cart API
  • Firebase With GitHub App
  • Firebase Real-Time Database
  • Redux App
Module 07: Mogo DB
  • What is MongoDB?
  • How does MongoDB work?
  • How to install MongoDB on MAC?
  • How to install MongoDB on Windows?
  • Create and Read operations in MongoDB
  • ObjectID and BSON in MongoDB
  • Triple-A and CRUD operations in MongoDB
  • UpdateOne and DeleteOne
  • UpdateMany and deleteMany
  • Database issues with Update
  • Getting more data
  • Save bandwidth while querying in MongoDB
  • Understanding objects structure
  • What is schema in MongoDB?
  • Database modeling MongoDB series
  • Relation in database MongoDB
  • One-to-one relation in mongo database with id
  • One to many relations in the MongoDB database
  • Many to Many relations in MongoDB
  • Creating file structure and installing dependencies
  • Creating our first learner schema
  • Connecting with MongoDB with mongoose
  • A read test in MongoDB
  • A delete test for MongoDB
  • An update test in MongoDB
Module:8 Node JS
  • Introduction
  • Environment Setup
  • First Application
  • REPL Terminal
  • NPM
  • Callback Concept
  • Event Loop
  • Event Emitter
  • Buffers
  • Streams
  • File System
  • Global Objects
  • Utility Modules
  • Web Module
Module: 9 Express Js
  • Express Overview
  • Installing Express
  • Hello World Example
  • Request & Response
  • Request Object
  • Response Object
  • Basic Routing
  • Serving Static Files
  • GET Method
  • POST Method
  • File Upload
  • Cookies Management
Module: 10 RESTful API
  • What is REST Architecture?
  • HTTP methods
  • RESTful Web Services
  • Creating RESTful for a Library
  • List Users
  • Add Users
  • Show Detail
  • Delete a User
Module:11 Next JS
  • App Router
    Next.js App Router with Server Components
  • Route Handlers
    Create API Endpoints with Route Handlers
  • Layouts
    Sharing UI between pages with Layouts
  • Rendering and SEO
    Rendering strategies for search engine optimization
  • Data Fetching
    How data fetching works in Next.js
  • Streaming and Suspense
    How React Suspense enables UI streaming
  • Auth.js
    User authentication with Auth.js
  • Prisma
    Introduction into Prisma with PostgreSQL
  • Project Setup and Organization
    Create a new Next.js Project from scratch
  • Navigation
    Create a navigation menu
  • Static pages
    Create a statically rendered page
Module: 12

Problem Solve
Career Guide
Some Tips & Tricks

Freelancing Marketplace Introducing and Job Searching
Fiverr and Upwork Profile Create with Job Post
LinkedIn Profile Create and Share Project
Marketplace Payment Solutions Class : Payoneer and PayPal


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